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Quantitative Methods Case Study

Case Title:
Smoking: A Costly Affair Now?
Publication Month and Year : July 2009
Authors: Thalluri Prashanth Vidya Sagar
Industry: Not Applicable
Region: India
Case Code: QM0009
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
This case study examines the trend in people’s smoking habit. Because of anti-smoking activists and increasing health-consciousness, many countries increased their tax on cigarettes and few imposed ban on smoking. Some argue that these regulations reduce the number of smokers. However, few oppose this argument. The case ends with a question – observed decrease in proportion of smokers is significant or not.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To discuss the testing of hypothesis
- To understand the ways to select the right test to examine the hypothesis
- To understand the concepts of Sample size and level of Significance
- To test the hypothesis and to draw inference.
Keywords : Quantitative Methods; Decision Science; Analysis; Hypothesis Testing; Statistics; Decision Dilemma; Sampling Distribution; Sampling Error; Smoking; Type I Error; Type II Error; MBA Course Case Mapping; Business Statistics; Quantitative Methods; Course Case Mapping